Burger Topped With Truffles And Fried Burrata

Burger Topped With Truffles And Fried Burrata

Cheesesteaks by The Truffleist is a pop-up in NYC where you can expect delicious food with an added truffle twist. Truffles are a rare mushroom that are foraged around the world, primarily by dogs. You can add burrata onto any of their dishes to take them to the next level.
See where you can find Cheesesteaks by The Truffleist here:
See more from The Truffleist here:
#Truffles #Cheeseburger #FoodInsider
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Burger Topped With Truffles And Fried Burrata

INSIDER,FOOD INSIDER,Cheese Insider,Cheesesteaks,The Truffleist,burgers,cheeseburgers,NY eats,fried food,burrata,mushrooms,nyc,
